Moving Quotes: An Apples to Apples Comparison
By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Weight, Mileage, and Hours
Confirm the specifics on your quotes to make sure that they all are for the same estimated weight, miles, number of personnel, as well as projected hours. Should you be obtaining estimates for a long-distance move to Tulsa and Oklahoma City, make certain you are working with a distance moving company instead of a moving company who is unable to transfer goods interstate. Calculations with regard to number of staff and hours may vary depending on the company. Some moving companies charge you a flat rate for up to a specific quantity of hours, and after that charge you an hourly price per worker for each hour thereafter. This may bring about a pricey raise in your moving fees. Likewise, distance needs to be clearly indicated and calculated for all estimates, to make certain that there isn't any per-mile add-on to the estimate afterwards.
Storage, Insurance, and Supplemental Services
While comparing your estimates, seek out added services which do not exist in all your bids. You simply can't come up with a valid apples-to-apples assessment if one price contains packing and supplies, and the others do not. Watch out for all additional add-ons, for example insurance, storage time and space, miles and gas. Whenever all the quotations are set up similarly, sticking with the same inclusions, you will be less likely to be taken in by a mover who offers a cheap estimated charge and then nickels and dimes you with hidden charges and extras. When distance or fuel rates are to be additional, make certain that estimated costs are within the same range on all quotations.
Other Things to Be Aware Of
When reviewing your moving estimates, be skeptical of extremely high or very low estimates. You ought to have a range of 4-5 quotes, to offer you a clear notion of the average rate for your move. In case a price is substantially lower than the rest, verify to make certain that the specifics of that quote match the others, and that there won't be any additional fees, distance costs, or hourly charge limitations that may increase the charge when your move is in progress. Similarly, if a quote is significantly more than the rest, make certain they are not overestimating time or distance, and they haven't included services that are not found in the other quotations. Verify to make certain that all your moving companies have followed any licensing regulations, and that they're estimating sufficient manpower to perform the move in a timely fashion. Remember, if an estimate appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Make Inquiries and Don't Be Reluctant to Request Adjustments
If you find that you are not capable of making a precise assessment because a few or all your quotations possess inconsistent services, you needn't be afraid to reach out to the moving companies with exact modifications to the estimates. It's your move, and it is vital that you have got every piece of information you need to make the best decision. Ask for a copy of each quotation in writing, so you can easily make side by side comparisons. Double check that all your quotations have a similar provisions. Last but not least, take a look at reviews online. Past customers will frequently leave positive and negative reviews, including specifics of hidden costs or things they overlooked in their own estimates. Looking at the ratings is an excellent last step before deciding on an estimate.
For more advice on finding the optimum moving company in Tulsa and Oklahoma City for your move, look at A-1 Freeman Moving Group today! Our company offers long distance and local moving for numerous residential, commercial, and corporate customers. Email us today for a quote, and let our skilled staff help you with your next relocation!
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