By Julie DeLong, Oil Capitol Relocation
Be sensible! Unless you’re Superman or Wonder Woman you can’t do everything. Ask friends and relatives assistance. Let the kids pack what’s theirs in their bedrooms. Divvy up the inventorying and packing of various rooms between yourself and your spouse. And employ a professional moving company in Tulsa and Oklahoma City to take care of the loading, shipping, and unloading – or whatever else you can’t summon the time, the expertise, or the desire to attend to personally.
Waiting until the last minute to take care of everything.
Moving is done in stages. For example, there are timelines for discontinuing services (gas, electric, phone, and so forth) at your current address and authorizing their hookup at your new address before you move in. Special arrangements must be made and steps must be taken to pack and transfer huge or pricey pieces. When the professional movers come, everything that’s got to go had best be ready to go if the move is to stay on schedule. Delays can cost you – and not only money. Dashing around at the last minute is a good way to ensure that things get lost or left behind. Or damaged.
Failing to establish a Moving Day plan for the kids and pets.
Are the kids leaving with you or your spouse or staying with grandma until the move’s completed? Have plans been made to cover their school situation? Can you take Fido with you or is boarding him a better idea until you have gotten settled in your new home? You know these things need to be appraised. Don’t wait to appraise them!
Not not alerting your moving company to changes in your schedule.
Has the start date of your new job in your new city changed in a way that could require changing91 your move date? Can’t make the time initialy arranged for the home survey that influences your move estimate? Need to have the moving company in Tulsa and Oklahoma City arrive a little later than planned on Move Day? Okay, sometimes changes are inevitable. There’s no reason for them to be a worry, though … if you alert your moving company to them well enough in advance!
Not reading the paperwork from your mover thoroughly.
What? You didn’t see that additional charge for the moving company’s packing services on page two of the contract? Or the cost of packing and transporting that huge grand piano of yours? Or that your moving insurance doesn’t truly cover the full valuation of your possessions? Of course, maybe none of that was actually in the contract – and should have been. If you didn’t read it, how would you know? Certainly you’ve heard the old saying that you should never sign a contract you haven’t read. Heed it! Or you’ll certainly get a bill you weren’t expecting!
Follow the guidelines above, start planning early, and you may see that your household move has all the adventure you hoped for – and none of the trauma you feared!
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